About me

Hi, my name is Luz. I have two kids and I like to explore the outdoors with them, sometimes with hubby on board, friends, and often times solo.

I am a teacher by week and an adventure warrior during the weekend. Most of the time, I am interested in hiking trails with beautiful scenery and views. But as an island girl, through and through, I am always ready for beach time. Also, if a trail can be biked, I would rather do that.

I like to photograph wildlife but until my kids settle down, I mostly take pictures of them when they are not looking.

I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and have been living in Maryland since August 2018. I am also a thrifty mom that tries to minimize her footprint whenever she can. Whenever I can, especially when it doesn’t involve breaking the bank!

It is my belief that respecting and admiring nature helps us be better humans.

I hope you find here some ideas, support, and encouragement to explore, conquer the outdoors and connect with nature.

Thanks for following along. I am more than happy to help, answer questions and I pledge that if I ever endorse something or recommend you a place and/or product, is because I actually like it!

PS. Hablo Español ^__^ I am a native Spanish speaker. English is my second language.

Snow Hike at Cunningham Falls, Maryland