The clearest lake in Maryland

Where? Greenbrier State Park, Boonsboro, Maryland, USA

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Click on the image to get directions on Google Maps

How much? It ranges from $3.00-$7.00 depending on if you are a Maryland resident or not, and if you go during a weekday or weekend.

Open/Closes: According to their website, 8:00 AM to sunset.

Pets: There’s nothing explicit about pets on this park’s page, but this is the Pet’s policy for Maryland State Parks in general.

At a Glance (review from my insta account)

More details of Our Experience

Greenbrier State Park is located in Washington County. Click on the map to get directions on Google Maps.

This is the only “beach” I’ve been so far in Maryland that has plenty of shade! The entire grass area right before the sand, is covered with trees that provide shade. Also, there are a couple of gazebos you can use, if you manage to arrive early enough. Since we visited this park in times of Covid-19, it was a little too crowded for my comfort when we arrived. Therefore, for the first hours my kids stayed in the grassy area and played with sand there. Make sure you bring a bucket and toys!

Shade please!

The water in this lake is the clearest I have seen in a Maryland lake. It doesn’t look brownish and it isn’t full of sediments. The lake is divided in three sections to point out depth, being the last one, the deepest, reserved for paddle boarding, kayaking, or pedal boating. All of these can be rented in the park. The first two sections are not deep anyways. My kids could stand in both. Moreover, you can see your feet!

See how clear the water is!!

After 5:00 PM, most visitors started leaving and we were able to enjoy the water with plenty of space to stay distanced from others.

The rope you see behind us it’s what is used to divide the lake in three sections.

Summertime is the best time of the year to enjoy sunsets. You literally have all day to prepare and wait for it. So, we stay until sunset and had the loveliest end to a “beach” day! After the sun sets, the park rangers will let everyone know it’s time to leave.

Very few people left at this point! #socialdistancing #lifehacks

There are about 11 miles of hiking trails in this park. We didn’t hike during our time here, though. I think that’s something I would rather do in fall or winter because during summertime, we all need a splash in the water!

Beautiful view of the Appalachian Mountains

I hope you have a great time visiting this beautiful place. Being in contact with nature is proven to make you feel better and happier. Let me know if you go how it goes and remember that the easiest way to stay posted and in touch is to follow me on insta, where I also share videos of the places in my stories/highlights!


  1. I love all your posts. So well organized. Beautiful pictures and great information all around. Fantastic resource for dc metro folks.


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