A Fantasy Farm: Clark’s Elioak Farm

Where? Clark’s Elioak Farm, Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

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Click on the image to get directions on Google Maps

How much? We paid $8.00. The entrance ticket is actually cheaper than Green Meadows Farm, but, the train ride, the goat feed, and other activities are paid apart. Therefore, at the end, both farms cost about the same.

Open/Closes: According to their website, as of now, Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM

Pets: No

At a Glance

More details of Our Experience

Clark’s Elioak Farm is located in Howard County. Click on the map to get directions on Google Maps.

According to their website, it’s highly recommended to purchase tickets online. Once you enter, you are free to decide where you want to start exploring.

My kids started with the Enchanted Forest which is located right to the entrance. I’m sure you won’t miss it anyways. As you can see in the picture, the entrance has a huge castle with a dragon. How cool is that?

The Enchanted Forest is decorated with scenes from movies such as Alice in Wonderland, Hansel and Gretel and more!

We took our sweet time in this forest! One reason was because of all the cool scenes to let imagination run wild, take pictures and the other one, because the sun was shinning bright and here, in the Enchanted Forest, there’s plenty of shade. #lifehack

After visiting the Enchanted Forest, we headed towards the Train Ride. While we were waiting, the kids explored some more places. I mean, the entire farm is filled with colorful cartoon-like houses like the one in the following picture.

The train ride circles around the farm, allowing you to see the extent of it from a comfortable seated position! Also, you get to see trees with cool faces.

The train also rides next to where the Fairy Forest is located. This one is super cool! Plenty of little figures here and there, everywhere!

When you go back to where the animals are, there’s the coolest slide ever, a rainbow slide!

Now that I am writing this post, I realized that I didn’t take pictures of the animals. But if you go to my instagram, you will see plenty of videos! Click here and follow!

Finally, they have multiple stations like the one below to wash your hands.

I hope you have a great time visiting this beautiful place. Being in contact with nature is proven to make you feel better and happier. Let me know if you go how it goes and remember that the easiest way to stay posted and in touch is to follow me on insta, where I also share videos of the places in my stories/highlights!

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